I am very thankful for all things, at all times, working together for my very best, highest good, healing and happiness!
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 3
I am very thankful for good news, and for feeling and being better and better, healthier and healthier, everyday!
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 4
I am very thankful for all things, at all times, working together for my very best, highest good, healing and happiness, and the highest good of all concerned!
submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28
I'm grateful to have my work and knowledge recognized at work.
submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28
I am grateful my home has a peacefulness that only God and His Angels could bring. I am grateful, thankful and blessed that my home is surrounded by Angels of the highest vibrations.
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 9
I am very thankful for good news and excellent health, naturally!
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 13
I am so grateful to be receiving Mark's Power Peek every Saturday night!!!
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11
I am grateful my grandson has been accepted to numerous HBCU’s, chose one and has been given an excellent financial aid package with little to no financial impact to his single mother. I am grateful he is an excellent student, well rounded and will excel wherever God takes him.
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 5
I'm grateful for my new job where I am respected and supported and for the pay raise that allows me to support myself and finish school. I'm grateful that my job allows me to live in colorado springs with my family.
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7
I’m grateful my 9 year old granddaughter has been evaluated to understand why she is behind in school. I am grateful her school is doing what is needed for highest good. I am grateful her parents are receptive to the assistance of myself and daughter, we are both educators.
submitted by Anonymous on Jan 30
I am so very thankful for feeling and being better and better eveeryday, naturally!
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11
I’m grateful to be excelling at school. I’m grateful to have gotten an A on my test.
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 9
I’m grateful for my healthy body and my success in school.
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 1
I am very thankful for good news from my doctor, and feeling better and better everyday, naturally!
submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31
I am very thankful for good news and feeling better and better every day!
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 5
I’m grateful for my health, and I’m especially grateful for the health of my reproductive system.
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 10
I am very thankful for my loving husband, family and friends, and the special bonds that we share!
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 6
I am so grateful that when I went to the doctor, it turned out to be a simple hormonal issue that was easily fixed. Thank you universe!
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 13
I am very thankful for feeling and being better and better everyday!
submitted by Anonymous on Jan 29
I’m grateful I was able to pass my midterms and do so well on my homework this weekend.
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 7
I am grateful for separating from the energy uncertainty.
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 5
I’m grateful for my healthy body, my new job that pays more money, and my success at school.
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 3
I am so very thankful for good news and that I am healing, feeling and getting better and better everyday, naturally!
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12
I am grateful my son & his wife have paid off their eviction, found a new affordable place to live for their young daughters and have moved.
submitted by Anonymous on Jan 30
I am very thankful for all things, at all times, working together for my very best, highest good, healing and happiness!
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 10
I’m grateful for my most perfect quick healing
I am feeling great and positive
submitted by Anonymous on Feb 4